搶救「統一發票兌獎」APP 資料

臺灣財政部出品的 統一發票兌獎 近期更新後,需要重新登入,且手動掃描/輸入的發票,與超過一定期限的電子發票資料皆消失。Google Play 的部份相關評論下有以下回覆:


根據我的分析,原有數據都還在,只是新版 APP 不會去使用,因此一個可能的解法是使用 adb install -d 降級回舊版 APP,再將資料備份。然而,較久遠以前的電子發票仍無法存取。對此,若已取得 Android 系統的 root 權限,則可手動將舊版 APP 資料轉換為新版格式,以還原所有資料。

Data migration steps

  1. Close and force stop the app to avoid data corruption during migration

  2. Get the old database

    cp -iv /data/data/tw.gov.invoice/files/InvoiceApp.db3 /sdcard/
  3. Find out the old database key

    cat /data/data/tw.gov.invoice/files/uuidFile
  4. Open the old database in SQLite Browser. Here the old database is encrypted with the key found in the previous step using SQLCipher 3 defaults.

    Open the old encrypted database

  5. Find out the new database key

    cat /data/data/tw.gov.invoice/files/uuidFile.uuid
  6. Migrate the database to use the new key and SQLCipher 4 defaults. It can be done in SQLite Browser via Tools -> Set Encryption. Note that after this step SQLite Browser will reload the database, which now needs the new key and new defaults.

    Set encryption parameters to match the new database

  7. Make a backup of the database at the new path

    mv -iv /data/data/tw.gov.invoice/files/.config/InvoiceApp.db3{,.bak}
  8. Copy the migrated database to the new path

    cp -iv /sdcard/InvoiceApp.db3 /data/data/tw.gov.invoice/files/.config/InvoiceApp.db3
  9. Find out owner/group and SELlinux context for application data

    /system/bin/ls -alZ /data/data/tw.gov.invoice/files/.config/
  10. Update owner/group and SELinux context of the copied file to match existing files. Note that here u0_a261:u0_a261 and u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c5,c257,c512,c768 are just examples. Actual values should be checked from the previous step. More details can be found in this article.

    chown u0_a261:u0_a261 /data/data/tw.gov.invoice/files/.config/InvoiceApp.db3
    chmod 0600 /data/data/tw.gov.invoice/files/.config/InvoiceApp.db3
    /system/bin/chcon u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c5,c257,c512,c768 /data/data/tw.gov.invoice/files/.config/InvoiceApp.db3
