Rootless containers 是一項最近還滿常被討論的技術。 比較常見的實作當推 RedHat 主打的 Podman。 在學習 Podman 的過程中,被 container 架構的複雜性搞的七葷 …
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Migrate Android data from an F-Droid app to a Google Play one
Recently, login for TTRSS-Reader is broken after a server update. A working version is uploaded to Google Play, but it presumably takes a long time for the F-Droid version to be updated. I investigated how to migrate data between Android apps as I cannot live without RSS feeds for …
read moreA workaround for CCStudio 9.2 UI issue - black backgrounds in tooltips
臺灣學術網路網路語音交換平臺 是一個提供 ZOOM 服務的平臺。用 eduroam 帳號登入並登記,就可以三人以上使用 ZOOM 超過 40 分鐘。LAB …
read moreWhat are public_key fields in GitHub gpg_keys API?
GitHub provides an API endpoint for querying users' PGP keys. For example, information about my keys can be found here.
In this JSON document, the raw_key is what programs like GnuPG need. What about public_key fields? GitHub official document says:
The data returned in the public_key response field is not …
read moreGnuTLS無法連上部分台灣網站的問題
TL;DR - 請看最後一段的workaround。
今天台大計中的SSLVPN client pulse-secure升級到9.0r2.0了,我更新完之後測了一下,發現連登入的頁面都連不上
"Unacceptable TLS certificate"
於是開 …
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解決macOS分享的Wi-Fi使Line Points無法使用的問題
Line Points的頁面用Linux hostapd分享出來的Wi-Fi可以正常運作,然而用macOS的網路分享功能無法瀏覽。這個問題困擾了我好久。之前要開Line Points都是先切換成4G,等到要下載App或看影片再換回Wi-Fi。
某天在PTT上看到有人Wi-Fi環境下用Line無法上傳圖片。鄉民建議改MTU。我參考這篇找出最佳MTU值 …
read moremacOS上df無法正確顯示中文
這兩個環境變數。第一個出現問題的是zsh下,ssh的hostname自動完成。按 …
read more網站搬家
今天收到Let's Encrypt的通知信,說chyen.cc和*.chyen.cc的SSL憑證20天後過期。我這個網域名稱是在Namesilo買的。由於Let's Encrypt的wildcard certificate需要用DNS認證,然而certbot還不支援Namesilo,所以我上次是手動把TXT紀錄一個一個(註:每個domain name會對應一個DNS challenge …
read more在Firefox 59上使用郵局的WebATM
- 安裝郵局提供給Firefox/Chrome/Edge用的元件
- 啟動元件
- 匯入根憑證cacert.pem
進階玩法:VirtualBox NAT port forwarding
read more解決scrcpy crash的問題
經過一番測試,發現似乎SDL(scrcpy用的GUI library)會嘗試載入ibus,而強制指定
read moreexport SDL_IM_MODULE=fcitx
後可以正常執行scrcpy。正 …Firefox Sync無法同步的問題
TL;DR security.nocertdb設定為true會讓Firefox Sync無法運作,改回false即可
最近發現我的Firefox Sync無法正常運作,在一台電腦上新加的addon沒有同步到其他電腦上。
read more1520939110858 Sync.Service INFO User logged in successfully - verifying login. 1520939110862 Sync.BrowserIDManager DEBUG unlockAndVerifyAuthState: user declined to unlock …
解決Arch Linux下emoji的顯示
KeePassXC在entry view裡加了不少欄位,其中一個是paperclip (📎, U+1F4CE)。在macOS正常,但在Arch Linux無法正常顯示,只有一個方框。裝了noto-fonts-emoji之後就正常了。
根據Arch Linux Wiki的說明,fontconfig會自動選一個有emoji的字型,所以理論上系統只 …
read moreAUR cleanup
有些曾經是我追尋的目標,有則完全想不起來當初是用來做什麼的。無論 …
read more解決郵局webatm「請檢查晶片是否已依正確方向插入讀卡機」的問題
萬惡的IE,就可以在家裡轉帳、查交易紀錄等等,非常方便。之前我都是用VirtualBox開一個Win7的VM,再用USB轉接功能讓裡面的Win7可以使用讀卡機。在Linux host跟Mac host用過,都沒啥問題 …
read moreRevert Revert Revert Revert
安裝 Pelican
- Deploy - 用git hook似乎是個選項
- Themes -上面滿多選擇的
- Git設定 -
, 放到Github等等 - 設定文章網址,讓他裡面有 …
之前有出現過一波「從入門到XX」系列的惡搞書名,例如「PHP: 從入門到出軌」、「C語言:從入門到放棄」等等。這些都是惡搞合成的圖片。不 …
read moreMac shortcuts are broken with UTF-8
Network is down after logged out
Recently I got a mysterious bug. I have a server, and whenever I logouts all sessions, its network is broken. I can neither ping it nor ssh into it.
The culprit is NetworkManager. "All users may connect to this network" is not checked, so only my account can access the …
read moreSelect printer with lpr
On Arch Linux, I use the following command to print documents:
PRINTER="the_printer_name" lpr ~/my_doc.pdf
It was always working yet broken with the latest version. A mysterious error appears:
$ PRINTER="the_printer_name" lpr ~/my_doc.pdf lpr: Error - scheduler not responding.
By tracing the codes, seems
read more$PRINTER
does not work. Now …youtube-dl on Android
- 找一個可以跑的Python interpreter
- 把youtube-dl clone下來或是從yt-dl.org下載最新的tarball
- 用adb shell或terminal emulater執行youtube-dl
針對第一步,Google Play上面很多個,例如 …
read more助教見聞錄 - 沒有回傳值的non-void函數
昨天有位小大一來問問題,他寫的code在local可以跑,但是上傳到Judgegirl都是wrong answer。
我看了一下題目,是要用遞迴計算 \(1^2 + 2^2 + \ldots + n^2\) 。他的code大概長這樣:
read more#include <stdio.h> int …
Installing Octopress
弄個部落格放一些技術文章是我一直想做的事。之前試過幾個平台,例如PTT,Wordpress等等,都覺得差強人意。主要是貼code很不方便。有一次看到有 …
read moreWelcome to Jekyll!
You’ll find this post in your
read more_posts
directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to runjekyll serve
, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site …中和路 and 永和路
OpenCV: strange return value of cvWaitKey()
In OpenCV, cvWaitKey() might be one of most frequently used functions in interactive applications. For example (code in C++):
while(true) { doSomething(); if(cvWaitKey() == 27) // 27 is the key code of Escape { break; } }
This works in Windows, but not work in Ubuntu. Both C++ version and python version can't catch …
read moreSFTP initial path
Google "sftp default path",大多數是用chroot的方式。但我的需求是一開始先切換到某個home以外的目錄,而不是將user鎖在某個目錄底下。轉念一想,sftp-server也只是一個用user的身份執行的process,其實只要從.bashrc或.profile之類的檔案下手即可。
首先看看Ubuntu的default .bashrc的前幾行(在 …
read moreHello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
It's the second time I install WordPress on my Apache server. The first time is not long ago, but everything seems easier then ever! WordPress is primarily written in PHP, so a little knowledge for …
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